Delegate Tracker 

Live results
Last Updated: March 15, 11:42:33PM ET
Toggle Political Party
Democratic Candidate
Presumptive Nominee
Jason Palmer
President Boddie
Terrisa Bukovinac
Eban Cambridge
Gabriel Cornejo
Superpayaseria Crystalroc
Brent Foutz
John Haywood
Tom Koos
Paul LaCava
Stephen Leon
Star Locke
Frankie Lozada
Stephen Lyons
Raymond Moroz
Derek Nadeau
Mando Perez-Serrato
Donald Picard
Mark Prascak
Paperboy Love Prince
Richard Rist
Mark Stewart Greenstein
Vermin Supreme
John Vail
No Preference
None of the names shown
None of these candidates

1,968 Pledged Delegates needed for nomination 3,934 available
Republican Candidate
Presumptive Nominee
Scott Ayers
Ryan Binkley
Robert Carney
John Anthony Castro
Larry Elder
Peter Jedick
Perry Johnson
Donald Kjornes
Mary Maxwell
Glenn McPeters
Scott Merrell
Darius Mitchell
Hirsh Singh
Sam Sloan
David Stuckenberg
Rachel Swift
No Preference
None of the names shown

1,215 needed for nomination • 2,429 available