Follow the latest Environment news, videos, and analysis from ABC News.
March 18, 2024 at 1:26 PM

A pioneering bill to slow fast fashion gets approval from France's lower house. Next stop the Senate

France's lower house of Parliament has unanimously approved a pioneering bill to curb the environmental impact of fast fashion, marking a significant step towards sustainability in the global fashion industry
March 18, 2024 at 1:26 PM
Pioneering bill to slow down fast fashion gets approval from French lawmakers
March 18, 2024 at 12:45 AM

Oregon county plants trees to honor victims of killer 2021 heat wave

Trees were planted across Multnomah County in honor of its 72 victims.
March 18, 2024 at 12:45 AM
March 16, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Why some states are discharging much more chemical waste into local waterways, according to new report

Some U.S. states are discharging much more chemical waste from industrial activity into local waterways than others, according to a new analysis.
March 16, 2024 at 7:00 PM
Why some states are discharging much more chemical waste into local waterways: Report
March 13, 2024 at 3:36 PM

Scientists are using underwater speakers to help restore degraded coral reefs: Study

Researchers have discovered a new method that could encourage the restoration of degraded coral reef populations, which have been declining around the world.
March 13, 2024 at 3:36 PM
Researchers discover new technique to encourage the restoration of degraded corals
March 12, 2024 at 7:04 PM

King salmon populations are dying, simultaneously affecting orcas and local Alaskan communities

The survival of living beings both on land and sea are dependent on king salmon, the most important species of salmon in the world.
March 12, 2024 at 7:04 PM
How the dying populations of king salmon are affecting humans, orcas
March 1, 2024 at 7:27 PM

Universities swapping energy sources to geothermal now a growing trend

Some of the most established universities in the country are switching to sustainable energy to power their campuses in an effort to meet climate goals.
March 1, 2024 at 7:27 PM
These universities are switching their energy sources to geothermal
1 month ago

Why the silverspot butterfly, native to just 3 US states, is inching closer to extinction

The silverspot butterfly, a species native to the U.S., is inching closer to extinction, prompting the federal protections as its numbers continue to decline.
1 month ago
This butterfly is inching closer to extinction, scientists say
1 month ago

Anaconda, Montana turns the page on its environmental disaster

Decades of work have turned Anaconda, Montana from one of the most polluted sites in the country into a greener, vibrant community.
1 month ago
Anaconda, Montana turns the page on its environmental disaster
1 month ago

Wildfire smoke to worsen across US, putting 125 million at risk: Study

First Street Foundation, a non-profit research and technology group that works to define America's climate risk, shared its "Atrocious Air" study on Monday.
1 month ago
Wildfire smoke to worsen across US, putting 125 million at risk: Study
1 month ago

Climate change and loss of sea ice putting polar bears at risk of starvation, collar cameras show

What is a day in the life of an Alaskan polar bear like? Researchers recently found out after strapping collar cameras to several bears.
1 month ago
What scientists learned after strapping a collar camera to polar bears
1 month ago

How to have a more sustainable Valentine's Day

Show a little love to the planet this Valentine's Day by celebrating in more sustainable ways.
1 month ago
How to have a more sustainable Valentine's Day
1 month ago

EPA announces new air quality standards for particulate matter, citing health risks

The Environmental Protection Agency announced a new standard on Wednesday for particulate matter pollution, citing the health risks related to exposure.
1 month ago
EPA announces new air quality standards for particulate matter, citing health risks
1 month ago

Study of sea sponges lead scientists to believe Earth has already passed 1.5 degrees Celsius of warming

Earth may have already passed 1.5 degrees Celsius of warming and be soon heading for 2 degrees, researchers have found.
1 month ago
What the study of sea sponges have led scientists to believe about climate change
2 months ago

Sea otters, once hunted to near extinction, are preventing coastal erosion as their populations grow, study finds

Sea otters are proving to be the Mother Nature's solution to preventing coastal erosion
2 months ago
How this animal is having an unexpected positive effect on the California coastline
2 months ago

How sea otters prevent coastal erosion: Study

The marine mammals are the natural predators to shore crabs, which burrow into marsh banks and destabilize shorelines.
2 months ago
How sea otters prevent coastal erosion: Study
2 months ago

The first-ever climate museum in the US is welcoming visitors in NYC's Soho neighborhood

New York City's Climate Museum is welcoming visitors free of charge to its pop-up exhibit in Soho.
2 months ago
What to know about NYC's new Climate Museum
2 months ago

How old toys are being recycled and reused

An estimated 3 billion toys are sold in the U.S. every year and the company TerraCycle is helping people recycle them once they're no longer being used.
2 months ago
How old toys are being recycled and reused
3 months ago

Eco-friendly ways to declutter your life

Here are ways to clean out your home in an environmentally friendly fashion.
3 months ago
Eco-friendly ways to declutter your life
4 months ago

Real versus fake Christmas trees: Which is more environmentally friendly?

The typical rules of sustainability do not apply when it comes to choosing the most environmentally friendly option of Christmas tree.
4 months ago
Real versus fake Christmas trees: Which is more environmentally friendly?
4 months ago

Virgin plane makes transatlantic flight using 100% sustainable fuel

A Virgin Atlantic Boeing 787 Dreamliner from London to New York on Tuesday was powered by sustainable aviation fuel like cooking oil.
4 months ago
Virgin plane makes transatlantic flight using 100% sustainable fuel
4 months ago

Mobile science program offers new ways for Massachusetts students to learn about the environment

The classroom is coming to life for elementary students in Massachusetts, who are experiencing new ways to learn about the environment.
4 months ago
This science program gets kids out of the classroom to learn about the environment
4 months ago

'Ghost forests' threaten New Jersey's water, ecosystem

New Jersey's forests are in a crisis as the crucial Atlantic white cedar trees are dying and causing an ecological ripple.
4 months ago
'Ghost forests' threaten New Jersey's water, ecosystem
4 months ago

California wildfires altering ecosystems, disrupting wildlife habitats: Study

Extreme wildfires that have been burning through the California landscape over recent decades are disrupting wildlife habitats within the state, new research shows.
4 months ago
California wildfires altering ecosystems, disrupting wildlife habitats: Study
4 months ago

Effects of climate change worsening in every part of the US, report says

The effects from rising temperatures around the world are worsening in every part of the U.S., according to the newly released National Climate Assessment.
4 months ago
Why climate change is worsening in every part of the US: Report
4 months ago

Earth caps off its hottest 12-month period on record, report finds

The planet has capped its hottest 12-month span on record now that high temperatures in the month of October have been analyzed.
4 months ago
Earth caps off its hottest 12-month period on record, report finds
5 months ago

How to sustainably discard pumpkins, other organic fall decorations once the holidays are over

What to do with leftover pumpkins after Halloween is over.
5 months ago
Forget the trash – there’s a better way to dispose of that old jack-o'-lantern
5 months ago

Why it matters that Earth is on the brink of 1.5 degrees Celsius in warming

Earth is already on the brink of surpassing 1.5 degrees Celsius of warming since the 1800s, according to new research.
5 months ago
What will happen when Earth surpasses 1.5 degrees Celsius of warming
5 months ago

Climate-friendly diet can significantly reduce carbon footprint: Study

Realistic, simple dietary swaps can help Americans make a difference in the country's carbon footprint, a new study found.
5 months ago
Climate-friendly diet can significantly reduce carbon footprint: Study
5 months ago

Installation underway of 15 acres of 3D-printed artificial reefs in coastal North Carolina

Several acres of 3D-printed artificial reefs are currently being planted in coastal North Carolina to bolster the region's biodiversity.
5 months ago
15 acres of 3D-printed artificial reef being installed on North Carolina coast
5 months ago

Artificial reef in North Carolina to help promote biodiversity

The artificial 3D-printed reefs are located at the mouth of the Pamlico River and will provide a skeleton for natural reef to grow.
5 months ago
Artificial reef in North Carolina to help promote biodiversity
5 months ago

Scientists have discovered an ancient river landscape hidden beneath the East Antarctic Ice Sheet

Global warming could reveal an ancient river landscape that has been preserved underneath the East Antarctic Ice Shelf million of years, according to a new study.
5 months ago
Fully preserved ancient river landscape discovered beneath Antarctic ice sheet
5 months ago

It may be too late to prevent significant melting on West Antarctic ice shelf that includes 'Doomsday Glacier': Study

Melting in West Antarctica, a region which includes the "Doomsday Glacier," could be "unavoidable" in the future due to warming oceans, scientists say.
5 months ago
Why 'unavoidable' melting at Antarctica's 'Doomsday Glacier' could be catastrophic
5 months ago

Saltwater in Mississippi River moving toward New Orleans much slower than expected: Officials

Historically low water levels in the Mississippi River have allowed saltwater from the Gulf of Mexico to creep up the river and into local water sources.
5 months ago
Saltwater in Mississippi River moving much slower than expected: Officials
5 months ago

Ozone hole over Antarctica grows to one of the largest on record, scientists say

The annual ozone hole that forms over Antarctica has ballooned to near-record size, scientists say.
5 months ago
Ozone hole over Antarctica roughly 3 times the size of Brazil: Scientists
5 months ago

Amphibians are in widespread decline, and climate change is to blame, study says

Amphibians are experiencing widespread population declines due to climate change, according to a new study.
5 months ago
Scientists determine the cause behind high rates of amphibian declines
6 months ago

Louisiana governor requests Federal Emergency Declaration for saltwater intrusion

A saltwater intrusion in the Mississippi River poses a threat to Louisiana's water supply. The river has low water levels due to drought conditions allowing an intrusion.
6 months ago
Louisiana governor requests Federal Emergency Declaration for saltwater intrusion
6 months ago

World’s largest flower is in danger of extinction, scientists warn

Rafflesia, the flower species which contains some of the world’s largest flowers, is at risk of extinction, scientists have warned in a new study.
6 months ago
World’s largest flower is in danger of extinction, scientists warn
6 months ago

How eco-drag queen Pattie Gonia defines what it means to fight for the environment

ABC News' Ginger Zee caught up with Pattie Gonia as she produces and stars in "Save Her: An Environmental Drag Show" for this year's Climate Week.
6 months ago
How eco-drag queen Pattie Gonia defines what it means to fight for the environment
6 months ago

Oceans take center stage at Climate Week in New York City

The sailor who became the first American to win “The Ocean Race” in its 50-year history joins ABC News to discuss the critical issue of the ocean’s health.
6 months ago
Oceans take center stage at Climate Week in New York City
6 months ago

Wildfires in recent years have reversed some of the progress made in eliminating air pollution, new study suggests

The smoke from wildfires in recent years has been so intense that it is decreasing air quality in the majority of the U.S., according to new research.
6 months ago
Wildfire smoke affecting air quality in 75% of states in continental US: Study
6 months ago

Researchers find new way to store carbon dioxide absorbed by plants at the bottom of the Black Sea

Researchers have found a new way to store thousands of year's worth of carbon dioxide and prevent it from being released into the atmosphere.
6 months ago
Researchers find a way to naturally store carbon dioxide
6 months ago

New app will allow New Yorkers to avoid commuting through the poorest air quality

For those who need to commute when air quality is poor, a new technology will make it possible to use the safest route possible for their health.
6 months ago
Those worried about poor air quality will soon be able to map out the cleanest route
6 months ago

South African conservation NGO to release 2,000 rhinos into the wild

Conservation Group African Parks has announced it is set to release 2,000 southern white rhinos into the wild in will be one of Africa’s largest rewilding programs.
6 months ago
2,000 white rhinos to be released into the wild
7 months ago

Countries must provide a clean and healthy environment for children: UN

A United Nations committee strengthened a treaty on Monday on children's rights in their fight against climate change, according to new guidance from the organization.
7 months ago
Countries must provide a clean and healthy environment for children: UN
7 months ago

Researchers discover another way tropical forests could suffer due to climate change

Climate change has caused the leaves on some plants in tropical forests around the world were found to stop undergoing photosynthesis.
7 months ago
Researchers discover another way tropical forests could suffer due to climate change
7 months ago

Ocean cleanup group removes record 25,000 pounds of trash from Great Pacific Garbage Patch in one extraction

Ocean cleanup crews have fished out the most trash ever taken from one of the largest garbage patches in the world.
7 months ago
Ocean cleanup system can extract a football field-sized area of trash every 5 seconds
7 months ago

Disappearing glaciers will give way to emerging, 'novel' ecosystems, new research finds

Scientists are beginning to better understand the consequences that melting glaciers will have on humans, species of all kind and the ecosystem in which they live.
7 months ago
Disappearing glaciers will give way to emerging, 'novel' ecosystems, research finds
7 months ago

Glacial break causes major flooding in Alaska, officials issue emergency declaration

A glacier lake outburst flood is wreaking havoc near Juneau, Alaska, where structures have been destroyed as a result of a break on the Mendenhall Glacier.
7 months ago
Glacial break causes major flooding in Alaska, officials issue emergency declaration
7 months ago

Major flooding causing a state of emergency in Alaska

At least two homes crash into floodwaters as a result of a melting glacier.
7 months ago
Major flooding causing a state of emergency in Alaska
8 months ago

Mitigating climate change and preserving biodiversity: Several ways AI can be used to help the environment

Artificial intelligence will play a pivotal role in the herculean efforts to mitigate climate change and preserve the environment, experts say.
8 months ago
These are the different ways AI will help the environment, scientists say